I had an especially interesting encounter with a Wisconsinite who scared me a bit with his strong convictions against cheese produced outside of his home state. I was innocently wandering a grocery store's cheese isle (it was massive!) perusing their selection when the following scene played out:*
Look over here, honey.
Pam guides Jennifer to a case of shredded mozzarella.
I don't see Tillamook cheese; it's one of my favorites. it's made in Oregon,"
Jennifer delivers line thoughtfully thoughtfully while reaching for a garlic and dill flavored bag of curds.
Jim will love those!
I don't see any California cheese
Jennifer innocently shrugs her shoulders.
Que banjo music.
With an angered look, a red-faced, round, overall-clad Wisconsinite turns his head around to see who just spoke
(Sneering) Why on God's green earth would anyone want to eat cheese made in California?
Well, I like Califor -
Red-Faced Man's eyes narrow, and he grips the handle of his sausage, brat, whole milk, white sandwich bread, cheese log-filled cart as if restraining himself. Pam grabs Jennifer's arm to stop her and looks her sternly in the eye, shaking her head.
Red-Faced Man slowly wheels his cart away, and mutters incoherently under his breath.
Damned west coast fruit!
*Events have been fictionalized for dramatic effect.
Shut up!! that's hilarious :)